Little choices that make a big difference.
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle requires making lots of little choices which leads to positive results. It’s critical to be tuned into which of them can catapult you to success, and which can rapidly derail you from your goals. By tuning into your thoughts, you will be better able to control your mindset and keep your focus on your ultimate goal. Here are a few ways to avoid jumping onto a different, less healthful path.
Thought trap #1 — “I feel good today!
I can afford to have just one _____”
When you begin seeing some positive changes, you might begin to feel like you can “afford” an extra bite of this or just one of that. One leads to two, and before you know it, you’ve jumped the rails. As you begin to tune into your thoughts, you’ll be able to continue moving toward your ultimate goal. It will be easier to convince yourself that you’re on a great track and that one bite isn’t worth reversing all of your progress.
The key is to get your mind on the right path BEFORE starting your plan. Start with the decision that change is going to happen and that you’re going to make it happen.
Thought trap #2 — “Man that’s so good, I’ll have just a little more.”
Who doesn’t love a great meal? Have you ever had a delicious dinner and after you finished your portion (which was adequate and fit your macros) you were tempted to go back for more? The problem was that you knew that you weren’t still hungry, it just tasted delicious! The downfall here is obvious.
Realizing that you’re satisfied and tracking your meals, so that you have visual confirmation that you don’t need more food, will help you to stay strong and resist falling into this trap.
Thought trap #3 — “I always have _____ in the _____.”
Have you found yourself heading for a snack at an appointed hour because that’s what you usually do? Eating out of habit is an easy trap because we humans are very much creatures of habit. The habits start early when we’re toddlers who need to have a snack at snack time. However, as adults, we need to listen more to our bodies and less to the clock. The ability to identify and then modify our habits is how we create success.
Tune into your thoughts and allow your body to tell you what it really needs. Stop and take a breath before diving mindlessly into a bowl of chips, or a box of cookies. Snack wisely and with purpose.
If you need some healthy suggestions, download my free book Your Guide to a Protein Packed Day. In it, you’ll find easy recipes to help you snack wisely and start your day with a high protein breakfast.
Learning how to make healthy choices in life is simply a matter of tuning into your body and the signals it’s sending. Be purposeful and mindful when you eat. You will appreciate a great meal and see your body responding healthily. For a deeper understanding of how your emotions can affect your choices, please read this post.